He Who Fears His Creator , 2021  silver wire, binder clips, findings, silk cord, silk ribbon, sequins, fabric, print, empty zig-zag dispenser, dried grape vine

He Who Fears His Creator, 2021

silver wire, binder clips, findings, silk cord, silk ribbon, sequins, fabric, print, empty zig-zag dispenser, dried grape vine

  He Who Fears His Creator , 2021  detail

He Who Fears His Creator, 2021


  He Who Fears His Creator , 2021  detail

He Who Fears His Creator, 2021


   A puffy paint sweatshirt made by the artist’s sister in 1998 worn by the artist in 2021.

A puffy paint sweatshirt made by the artist’s sister in 1998 worn by the artist in 2021.

  He Who Fears His Creator , 2021  silver wire, binder clips, findings, silk cord, silk ribbon, sequins, fabric, print, empty zig-zag dispenser, dried grape vine
  He Who Fears His Creator , 2021  detail
  He Who Fears His Creator , 2021  detail
   A puffy paint sweatshirt made by the artist’s sister in 1998 worn by the artist in 2021.

He Who Fears His Creator, 2021

silver wire, binder clips, findings, silk cord, silk ribbon, sequins, fabric, print, empty zig-zag dispenser, dried grape vine

He Who Fears His Creator, 2021


He Who Fears His Creator, 2021


A puffy paint sweatshirt made by the artist’s sister in 1998 worn by the artist in 2021.

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